9 | | UP
10 | | DOWN
11 | 6 | DOWN
12 | 5 | DOWN
13 | | UP
14 | | DOWN
15 | | DOWN
16 | | DOWN
Magnum6K25(qos)## show-portweight
Port priority Weight set to 1 High : 1 Low.
Magnum6K25(qos)## set-weight weight=4
The queue behavior is set so that for 8 high priority
packets, 1 low priority packet is sent out
Magnum6K25(qos)## show-portweight
Port priority Weight set to 8 High : 1 Low.
Magnum6K25(qos)## show qos
9 | None | UP
10 | Port | DOWN
11 | Tag | DOWN
12 | Tag | DOWN
13 | None | UP
14 | None | DOWN
15 | None | DOWN
16 | None | DOWN
FIGURE 112 – QoS configuration and setup
List of commands in this chapter
Syntax qos – enter the QoS configuration mode
Syntax setqos type=<port|tag|tos|none> port=<port|list|range>
[priority=<high|low>] [tos=<0-63|list|range>][tag=<0-7|list|range>] -
depending on the type of QOS, the corresponding field has to be set. For example, for QOS type tag,
the tag levels have to be set, and for QOS type ToS, the ToS levels have to be set. If the priority field
is not set, it then defaults to low priority. ToS has 64 levels and the valid values are 0-63 and a
tagged packet has 8 levels and the valid values are 0-7.
Syntax set-weight weight=<0-7> - sets the port priority weight for All the ports. Once the weight is
set, all the ports will be the same weight across the switch. The valid value for weight is 0-7
Syntax show-portweight - display the weight settings on a port