Syntax set serial [baud=<rate>] [data=<5|6|7|8>] [parity=<none|odd|even>]
[stop=<1|1.5|2>] [flowctrl=<none|xonxoff>] – sets serial port parameters
Syntax snmp – enter the snmp configuration mode
Syntax setvar [sysname|syscontact|syslocation]=<string> - sets the system name, contact and
location information
Syntax set timezone GMT=[+ or -] hour=<0-14> min=<0-59> - sets the timezone
Syntax set date year=<2001-2035> month=<1-12> day=<1-31>
[format=<mmddyyyy|ddmmyyyy|yyyymmdd>] – sets the date and the format in which the
date is displayed
set time hour=<0-23> min=<0-59> sec=<0-59> [zone=GMT[+/-]hh:mm] – sets the
time (as well as the timezone)
set timeformat format=<12|24> - sets the display time in the 12/24 hour mode
set daylight country=< country name> - sets the daylight saving time
Syntax setsntp server = <ipaddress> timeout = <1-10> retry = <1-3> - setup the SNTP server
Syntax sync [hour=<0-24>] [min=<0-59>] – setup the frequency at which the SNTP server is queried
Syntax sntp [enable|disable] – enables or disables the SNTP services
Syntax saveconf mode=<serial|tftp|ftp> [<ipaddress>] [file=<name>] – saves the
configuration on the network using tftp, ftp or serial protocols
Syntax loadconf mode=<serial|tftp|ftp> [<ipaddress>] [file=<name>] – loads the previously
saved configuration from the network using tftp, ftp or serial protocols
Syntax kill config [save=module_name] – resets the system configuration. The module_name option does not
reset the specific module parameters. The modules are system, event, port, bridge, stp, ps, mirror, sntp, vlan, gvrp
and snmp
Syntax show session – display telnet sessions active on the switch
Syntax kill session id=<session> - kill a specific telnet session
Syntax set ftp mode=<normal|passive> - set the ftp mode of operation
Syntax show ftp- display the current ftp operation mode