
Subsystem Description Severity
RMON Alarm : internal error , unable to get memory F
RMON Alarm : internal error, unable to get memory for alarm entry F
RMON History : internal error, unable to get memory for history control
RMON History : internal error, unable to get memory for history data
RMON History : internal error, unable to get memory F
RMON Event : unable to get memory for event entry F
RMON Alarm : unable to get memory for RMON logs F
RMON rising alarm trap sent to a.b.c.d by alarm entry X I
RMON falling alarm trap sent to a.b.c.d by alarm entry X I
RMON RMON init is done I
RMON history : control entry X is set to valid I
RMON history : control entry X is set to invalid I
RMON Event : entry X is set to valid I
RMON Event : entry X is set to invalid I
RMON Alarm : entry X is set to valid I
RMON Alarm : entry X is set to invalid I
SNMP Snmp.snmpEnableAuthenTraps is set to enabled A
SNMP Snmp.snmpEnableAuthenTraps is set to disabled A
SNMP System.sysName configured A
SNMP System.sysLocation configured A
SNMP System.sysContact configured A
SNMP Port X link up trap sent to a.b.c.d A
SNMP Port X Link down trap sent to a.b.c.d A
SNMP Configuring IP address in trap receivers list failed D
SNMP read community string changed I
SNMP write community string changed I
SNMP trap community string changed I
SNMP authentication failure trap sent to a.b.c.d I
SNMP Trap receiver a.b.c.d added I
SNMP Trap receiver a.b.c.d deleted I
SNMP Coldstart trap sent to a.b.c.d I
SNMP Warmstart trap sent to a.b.c.d I
SNTP client started I
SNTP client stopped….disabled by user I
SNTP client stopped….server not configured I
SNTP Request timed out I
SNTP Retrying.. I
SNTP Time synchronized through SNTP I