maxreq – [optional] The maximum number of times the authenticator will retransmit an
EAP Request packet to the Supplicant before it times out the authentication session. Its
default value is 2. It can be set to any integer value from 1 to 10.
Syntax portaccess port=<num|list|range> [quiet=<0-65535>] [maxreauth=<0-10>]
[transmit=<1-65535>] - set port access parameters for authenticating PCs or supplicants
port – [mandatory] – ports to be configured
quiet – [optional] This is the quiet period, the amount of time, in seconds, the supplicant
is held after an authentication failure before the authenticator retries the supplicant for
connection. The default value is 60 seconds. Values can range from 0 to 65535 seconds.
maxreauth – [optional] The number of re-authentication attempts that are permitted
before the port becomes unauthorized. Default value is 2. Values are integers and can
range from 0 to 10.
transmit – [optional] This is the transmit period, this is the time in seconds the
authenticator waits to transmit another request for identification from the supplicant.
Default value is 30. Values can be from 1 to 65535 seconds
Syntax reauth port=<num|list|range> [status=<enable|disable>] [period=<10-86400>] -
set values on how the authenticator (Magnum 6K switch) does the re-authentication with the supplicant or
port – [mandatory] – ports to be configured
status – [optional] This enables/disables re-authentication
period – [optional] this is the re-authentication period in seconds. This is the time the
authenticator waits before a re-authentication process will be done again to the supplicant.
Default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Values can range from 10 to 86400 seconds.
Syntax show-stats port=<num> - displays 802.1x related statistics
Syntax trigger-reauth port=<num|list|range> - manually initiate a re-authentication of supplicant
Magnum6K25# show auth config
802.1X Authenticator Configuration
Status : Disabled
RADIUS Authentication Server
IP Address :
UDP Port : 1812
Shared Secret :
Magnum6K25# auth
Magnum6K25(auth)## setport port=2 status=enable control=forceauth initialize=assert
Successfully set port control parameter(s)
The RADIUS server is on port #2. This port is
authenticated manually. If the RADIUS server is
several hops away, it may be necessary to
authenticate the interconnection ports. Note make
sure this command is executed before auth enable
ake sure there is no 802.1x or Radius server
defined. Note only one RADIUS server can be
defined for the whole network.