body – [mandatory] email body
Syntax server ip=<ip-addr> [port=<1-65535>] [retry=<0-3>] – configure the global SMTP server
ip – [mandatory] SMTP server IP address
port – [mandatory] TCP port to be used for SMTP communications – default is 25
retry – [optional] specifies how many times to retry if an error occurs when sending email.
Range from 0 to 3. Default is 0.
Syntax smtp <enable|disable> - enables or disables SMTP to send SNMP alerts by email
Syntax exportlog mode=<serial|tftp|ftp> [<ipaddress>] [file=<name>]
[doctype=<raw|html>] – facilitates the export of the event log information as a text
file or as an HTML file
Syntax !! – repeat the last command
Syntax !<n> - repeat the “n”th command (as indicated by a show history)
Syntax show history – show the last 25 commands executed – if less than 25 commands are executed, only
those commands executed are shown
Syntax <Up-arrow> - every time the key is pressed, the last command is printed on the screen but not executed.
This allows for editing errors made in typing
Syntax <Down-arrow> - opposite of Up-arrow key
Syntax show version – displays the version of MNS-6K being used
Syntax set ftp mode=<normal|passive> - set the ftp mode of operation
Syntax show ftp- display the current ftp operation mode
ping <ipaddress> [count=<1-999>] [timeout=<1-256>] – use the ping command to test
Syntax set prompt <prompt string> - set the prompt for switch. The prompt has predefined
variables. These are $n : System Name; $c : System Contact; $l : System Location; $i :
System IP; $m : System MAC; $v : Version; $$ : $ Character; $r : New Line; $b :