FIGURE 46 – displaying configuration for different modules. Note – multiple modules can be
specified on the command line ..................................................................................................... 64
FIGURE 47 – Hide or display system passwords .................................................................................... 65
FIGURE 48 – Erasing configuration without erasing the IP address ....................................................... 66
FIGURE 49 – Display the serial number, factory code and other relevant setup information ..................... 66
FIGURE 50 – Configuring IPv6 ............................................................................................................ 75
FIGURE 51 – Setting up DHCP Server on MNS-6K-SECURE ........................................................ 83
FIGURE 52 – Different Stratum NTP servers ....................................................................................... 86
FIGURE 53 – Using the SNTP commands ........................................................................................... 87
FIGURE 54 – Changing password for a given account ............................................................................ 89
IGURE 55 – Port security configuration mode ...................................................................................... 90
FIGURE 56 – Port security configuration mode ...................................................................................... 91
FIGURE 57 – Port security – allowing specific MAC addresses on a specified port. (No spaces
between specified MAC addresses) ............................................................................................. 92
FIGURE 58 – Port security - the port learns the MAC addresses. Note – a maximum of 200
MAC addresses can be learnt per port and a maximum of 500 per switch. Also, the
‘action’ on the port must be set to none before the port ‘learns’ the MAC address
information. .............................................................................................................................. 92
FIGURE 59 – Enabling and disabling port security ............................................................................... 92
FIGURE 60 – Viewing port security settings on a switch. On port 9, learning is enabled. This port
has 6 stations connected to it with the MAC addresses as shown. Other ports have
learning disabled and the MAC addresses are not configured on those ports ................................ 93
FIGURE 61 – Enabling learning on a port. Note – after the learning is enabled, the port security
can be queried to find the status of MAC addresses learnt. If there were machines
connected to this port, the MAC address would be shown on port 11 as they are shown on
port 9 ....................................................................................................................................... 93
IGURE 62 – Allowing specific MAC address on specific ports. After the MAC address is
specified, the port or specific ports or a range of ports can be queried as shown .............................. 94
FIGURE 63 – Removing a MAC address from port security .................................................................. 94
FIGURE 64 – Setting the logging on a port ............................................................................................ 94
FIGURE 65 – Steps for setting up port security on a specific port ............................................................ 95
FIGURE 66 – Show log and clear log command. Note the logs are in the syslog format. The syslog
commands are also displayed .................................................................................................... 101
FIGURE 67 – Steps to allow deny or remove specific services ................................................................. 103
FIGURE 68 – 802.1x network components ......................................................................................... 107
FIGURE 69 – 802.1x authentication details ....................................................................................... 108