660 Digital Weather Radar System
REV 2 8-1
In–Flight Troubleshooting
8. In–Flight Troubleshooting
660 Digital Weather Radar System can provide
troubleshooting information on one of two formats:
D Fault codes
D Text faults.
The selection is made at the time of installation. This section describes
access and use of this information.
If the fault codes option is selected, they are shown in place of the tilt
angle. The text fault option provides English text as well as fault codes
in the radar test pattern areas.
Critical functions in the receiver transmitter antenna (RTA) are
continuously monitored. Each fault condition has a corresponding
2–digit fault code (FC). Additionally, a fault name, a pilot message, and
a line maintenance message are associated with each fault condition.
Faults can be accessed on the ground, or while airborne.
D Display, indicator, or RTA malfunction
D FAIL annunciation on weather indicator or EFIS display.
If the feature TEXT FAULTS is enabled, the radar test pattern area
displays plain English text fault information. If it is not enabled, only the
fault code is shown (one at a time) on the indicator or EFIS display.
660 also contains a feature called “Pilot Event Marker”
that enables the pilot to record a full set of BITE parameters at any time,
typically if the radar seems to be malfunctioning.
NOTES: 1. In some EFIS installations, radar failures are only
annunciated with an amber WX if faults are not
2. In EFIS installations, with TEXT FAULTS enabled, the
fault codes are also presented as part of the FAIL
annunciation (e.g., FAIL 13).