660 Digital Weather Radar System
REV 2 4-1
Normal Operation
4. Normal Operation
Table 4–1 gives the power–up procedure for the PRIMUS
660 Digital
Weather Radar System.
Step Procedure
1 Verify that the system controls are in the positions
described below before powering up the radar system.
Mode control: Off
GAIN control: Preset Position
TILT control: +15
2 Take the following precautions if the radar system is operated
in any mode other than standby or forced standby while the
aircraft is on the ground:
D Direct nose of aircraft so that antenna scan sector is
free of large metallic objects, such as hangars or other
aircraft for a minimum distance of 100 feet (30 meters),
and tilt the antenna fully upwards.
D Do not operate the radar system during aircraft refueling or
during refueling operations within 100 feet (30 meters).
D Do not operate the radar if personnel are standing too
close to the 120_ forward sector of aircraft. (Refer to
Section 6, Maximum Permissible Exposure Level, in this
D Operating personnel should be familiar with FAA AC
20–68B, which is reproduced in Appendix A of this
3 If the system is being used with an EFIS display, power–up
by selecting the weather display on the EHSI. Apply power
to the radar system using either the indicator or controller
power controls.
4 Select either standby or test mode, as shown in figure 4–1.
660 Power–Up Procedure
Table 4–1 (cont)