660 Digital Weather Radar System
Radar Facts
Ice or water on the radome does not generally cause radar failure, but
it hampers operation. The radome is constructed of materials that pass
the radar energy with little attenuation. Ice or water increases the
attenuation making the radar appear to have less sensitivity. Ice can
cause refractive distortion, a condition characterized by loss of image
definition. If the ice should cause reverberant echoes within the
radome, the condition might be indicated by the appearance of
nonexisting targets.
The radome can also cause refractive distortion, that would make it
appear that the TILT control was out of adjustment, or that bearing
indications were somewhat erroneous.
A radome with ice or water trapped within its walls can cause significant
attenuation and distortion of the radar signals. This type of attenuation
cannot be detected by the radar, even with REACT on, but it can, in
extreme cases, cause blind spots. If a target changes significantly in
size, shape, or intensity as aircraft heading or attitude change, the
radome is probably the cause.