660 Digital Weather Radar System
REV 2 3-9
Operating Controls
9 BRT (Brightness) or BRT/LSS (Lightning Sensor System)
The BRT knob is a single–turn control that adjusts the brightness of the
display. CW rotation increases display brightness and ccw rotation
decreases brightness.
An optional BRT/LSS four–position rotary switch selects the separate
LSZ–850 Lightning Sensor System (LSS) operating modes and the
brightness control on some models. Its LSS control switch positions are
as follows:
D OFF – This position removes all power from the LSS.
D SBY (Standby) – This position inhibits the display of LSS data, but
the system accumulates data in this mode.
D LX (Lightning Sensor System) – In this position the LSS is fully
operational and data is being displayed on the indicator.
D CLR/TST (Clear/Test) – In this position accumulated data is cleared
from the memory of the LSS. After 3 seconds the test mode is
initiated in the LSS. Refer to the LSZ–850 Lightning Sensor System
Pilot’s Handbook, for a detailed description of LSS operation.
The SCT button is an alternate–action switch that is used to select
either the normal 12 looks/minute 120_ scan or the faster update 24
looks/minute 60_ sector scan.
The AZ button is an alternate–action switch that enables and disables
the electronic azimuth marks. When enabled, azimuth marks at 30
intervals are displayed. The azimuth marks are the same color as the
other alphanumerics.
The RANGE buttons are two momentary–contact buttons used to
select the operating range of the radar. The range selections are from
5 to 300 NM full scale. In FP mode, additional ranges of 500 and 1000
NM are available. The up arrow selects increasing ranges, and the
down arrow selects decreasing ranges. Each of the five range rings on
the display has an associated marker that annunciates its range.