660 Digital Weather Radar System
Index (cont)
azimuth resolution, 5-41
hail size probability, 5-36
shadowing, 5-34
spotting hail, 5-37
turbulence probability, 5-34
stabilization, 5-15
accelerative error, 5-15
antenna mounting error, 5-16
dynamic error, 5-15
pitch gain error, 5-22
roll gain error, 5-19
wallowing (wing walk and
yaw) error, 5-19
tilt management, 5-5
tilt setting for minimal ground
target display, 5-8
variable gain control, 5-30
weather avoidance, 5-43
additional hazards, 5-55
configurations of individual
echoes (northern
hemisphere), 5-47
line configurations, 5-52
severe weather avoidance
procedures, 5-43
weather display calibration, 5-28
Radiation Safety Precautions, A–1
Radome, 5-42
Rain echo attenuation
compensation technique
(REACT), 5-31
related functions, 5-31
attenuation compensation,
cyan REACT field, 5-31
Recommended radiation safety
precautions for ground operation
of airborne weather radar, A–1
background, A–1
cancellation, A–1
precautions, A–2
body damage, A–2
combustible materials, A–3
general, A–2
purpose, A–1
related reading material, A–1
Reflectivity, A–10
relationship between turbulence
and reflectivity, A–10
Relationship between turbulence
and altitude, A–10
Remote mounted equipment, 2-4
Roll gain adjustment, 7-11
adjustment procedure, 7-11
Roll offset adjustment, 7-5
adjustment procedure, 7-5
Roll stabilization check, 7-9
while turning check procedure, 7-9
Shadowing, 5-34
Spotting hail, 5-37
Squall lines, A–4
Stabilization, 5-15
accelerative error, 5-15
antenna mounting error, 5-16
level flight stabilization check,
dynamic error, 5-15
pitch gain error, 5-22
pitch stabilization check, 5-22
roll gain error, 5-19
roll stabilization (while turning)
check, 5-19
wallowing (wing walk and yaw)
error, 5-19
Stabilization check, 7-9
Pitch, 7-12
Check procedure, 7-12
Roll, 7-9
While turning check
procedure, 7-9
Support centers, 9-2
customer support centers, 9-2
North America, 9-2
Rest of the World, 9-3
24–hour exchange/rental support
centers, 9-2