Other Site Hardware
Alarm panel
An alarm panel or other external device can be preset to warn your organization, if failure
occurs. Failure to operate due to a power failure also triggers the relay, but does so
Software setup
!54 To set the FAULT RELAY to trigger
1. Using View software, start a maintenance session.
2. On the System tab, enable either:
• Enable Status Pulse…
• Monitor Alarm Reporting
• both. See figure 47.
3. Click Apply/Reset.
4. On the Events tab, click the Outputs subtab.
5. The name of Output 6 has changed to “System Status Pulse”. You have the
option of changing the name of the output by typing in the box.
6. You have the option of ending the maintenance session.
Fig. 47. Settings for monitoring a unit.
Enable Status Pulse. Enables the FAULT RELAY to trigger.
Monitor Alarm Reporting. Interruptions in reporting of alarms, greater than 19 minutes,
trigger the fault relay. The monitoring is designed to report alarms that have not reached
their designated alarm station, because of that alarm station being unavailable.