8 Index
ADEMCO PTZ driver. See Javelin/ADEMCO
administrator, Multi. See Multi SA
alarm bell, and audio interference, 4–3
alarm panel, 5–9
alarm sensor, connecting, 5–6
amplifier: audio, 4–1; video signal, 6–3
area code, irregular use, 3–7
audience: field work, 2–1; testing connections, 3–1
audio: configuration, 4–3; LocalView, 4–3;
monitor, 4–3; record, 4–3; talk to site, 4–3
base port, 3–9
best practices, CCTV. See Kruegle
blind spot: vehicle docking, 2–7
BNC connector, 2–6
Butterworth–Heinemann Publishing. See Kruegle
cable: audio, 4–1; coaxial, 6–3; triaxial, 6–4
cable length limit table, 6–3
camera: auto-detection, 3–16; naming, 3–16
camera lens, hampered by: blind spot, 2–7;
condensation, dust or grease, 2–7, 5–1;
strong or weak lighting, 2–7
Canada, 3
CCTV: audio, and, 4–1; best practices. See
Kruegle; planning, 6–2; reference, 6–2
checklist: hardware kit, 2–2; site identification,
3–5; software kit, 2–2
clock: Multi-Media unit, 3–11; Refresh button,
SNTP server, 3–13; setting to automatic, 3–13
coaxial cable: checklist, 6–3
commands: Multi Shell table, 2–14
condensation, on camera lens, 2–7, 5–1
configuration: camera, 3–16; input, hardware, 5–6
connection: checklist, 3–17; dial-up, 3–6; field
testing, 2–16; network, 3–8; reason for testing,
3–1; record in database, 3–6
converter for PTZ, 5–4
daisy-chain of multiple domes, 5–4
damaged unit, 2–16
darkness, and camera lens, 2–7
database: at logon, 3–4, 3–10; empty, 3–4; for
installation, 3–3; for testing connection, 3–3, 3–4,
3–10; for upgrades, 3–3; populated, used for
installation, 3–3
Defensible Space. See Newman
Delta PTZ driver, 5–5
detachable sub-panel, 5–2
DHCP, 2–9
dialing area code, 3–7
dial-up connection: avoiding area code
confusion, 3–7; field testing, 2–16; making a
record of, 3–6
dust, on camera lens, 2–7, 5–1
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP.
empty database, 3–4
EOL (end-of-line) sensor, 5–7
EuroNorm, 3, 1–3
FAQs: installation support, 6–1; list of, 7–5; walk
through of installation, 1–2
FAULT RELAY, 5–8; alarm-panel, 6–2
FCC, 3
feedback, audio, 4–2
Find-it lists, 7–1
firewall ports, 3–9
grease, on camera lens, 2–7, 5–1
Greenwich Mean Time. See UTC
ground: loop, 6–3
Honeywell: web site, 1–7
how to…. See Knowledge Base
Hyperterminal: launch command table, 2–13