Multi-Media Unit: Installation Instructions
# Frequently asked question Section
No video is reaching View
10 How are the cameras connected?
11 Is there a power outage? Has the UPS failed?
12 Are the unit, cameras and other hardware powered?
13 Does the site connection information, in the Multi database that you
are using to log on, reflect the type of connection used by the PC
and the Multi-Media unit: network or dial-up?
See also
7.4: More FAQs, p. 7–5.
6.2 Background
Closed circuit television (CCTV) can help assess an area, assist with police work when
an area becomes a crime scene, and so on. Some forethought about unit tampering can
help provide optimal gathering of evidence, for corporate use, or use of video in a court
of law.
When planning where to place the unit and its video cameras, Honeywell suggests that your
planning authority be made aware of, and consider:
• allowing for access to the unit, if maintenance is required, yet preventing easy
criminal tampering with the system;
• working around camera blind spots due to: architecture, mobile equipment,
vehicle docking, construction and so on;
• dealing with environmental lighting situations that can render a system
ineffective: direct sunshine or other strong lighting, darkness and so on;
• dealing with environmental factors that can hamper a unit or its cameras: dust,
condensation, excessive heat or cold, and so on;
• supplying adequate power to the unit; critical sites may benefit from an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS);
• connecting the FAULT RELAY to an alarm panel, to monitor systems status;
- and -
• the type(s) of communications used to obtain information from the Multi-Media
unit: dial-up, network, both, or dial-up to a network.
For these and other background questions about the field of closed-circuit television in a
security setting, a standard, reliable, in-depth reference is:
• Kruegle, Herman, CCTV Surveillance: Video practices and technology,
Butterworth–Heinemann, Newton (MA), 1995, ISBN 0-7506-9028-3, TK6680.K78