7 Find-it
7.1 Knowledge Base
!1 Connect cameras (as many as 16) to the Multi-Media unit 1–2
!2 Connect the Multi-Media unit to a network or telephone line 1–2
!3 Supplying power to the unit and the cameras 1–3
!4 Locate a personal computer (PC) running Multi software 1–3
!5 Start Admin to create a Multi database 1–4
!6 Log on to a Multi database, or create one using Admin 1–4
!7 Using Admin, add a site 1–4
!8 Add information about the connection, and save it 1–5
!9 To use View 1–5
!10 Log on to View 1–6
!11 Test the connection; use View to run a Maintenance session 1–6
!12 Start a Live session 1–7
!13 Road map to field work 2–1
!14 To unpack a unit 2–1
!15 The power up sequence recommended by Honeywell 2–5
!16 The power down sequence 2–5
!17 To enable the locking of a LocalView functions 2–8
!18 To change a LocalView password 2–9
!19 To assign an IP address to a unit using LocalView 2–10
!20 To connect a null-modem cable 2–11
!21 To setup a terminal program 2–11
!22 To use the Multi-Media Shell 2–13
!23 To assign an IP address to the Multi-Media unit 2–13
!24 To quit the program 2–14
!25 To return to the Multi-Media Shell after a time out 2–15
!26 To connect the Multi-Media unit to a telephone line jack 2–15
!27 To field-test a dial-up connection 2–16
!28 To field-test a network connection 2–16
!29 To deal with a damaged Multi-Media unit 2–16