Multi-Media Unit: Installation Instructions
Illustrations, list, 7–3
Industry Canada, 3
input, sensor hardware: configuring, 5–6; NC.
See normally closed sensor; NO. See
normally open sensor
installation: main steps, 1–1; report contents, 2–4;
reporting, to whom, 2–4; walk through, 1–2
interference, electrical, 6–4
IP address: assigned using LocalView, 2–10
IP address, assigning to unit, 2–13
ISDN, 5–10
Javelin/ADEMCO PTZ driver, 5–5
Kalatel PTZ driver/Cyberdome, 5–5
kit: hardware, 2–2; software, 2–2
Knowledge Base, 7–1
Kruegle, Herman, 1–8, 2–7, 6–2
lighting, 6–4
Local UI. See LocalView
LocalView, 2–10; audio, 4–3; monitor, 2–8;
password, default, 2–9; recording rates, low, 2–9
log on: database, 3–4, 3–10; double duty dialog,
3-4; password, 3–3, 3–10; user account, 3–3
Macmillan Publishing. See Newman
maintenance: Admin documentation, 1–7;
Feedback box, 2–6; illustration, 1–6; running a
session, 3–10
maintenance session: check auto-detection of
cameras, 3–1; security validation, 3–9
maintenance session, running, 3–10
microphone, 4–1
modem: default settings table, 2–16; external,
5–10; internal, Multi, 2–16
monitor: audio, 4–3
Multi db: create, 3–4
Multi SA (Multi-Media system administrator), 2–4;
setting time zone on Multi-Media unit, 3–11;
synchronizing clock on Multi-Media unit, 3–14
Multi Shell: commands table, 2–14; quitting, 2–
14; returning to, 2–10, 2–11, 2–15; time out,
2–10, 2–11, 2–15; using, 2–13
Multi software, installing, 3–2
Multi-Media unit clock. See clock, on unit
NC (normally closed) sensor, 5–7
network connection: field testing, 2–16; making
a record of, 3–8
network settings: Multi default table, 2–14
Newman, Oscar, 1–8
NO (normally open) sensor, 5–7
noise: alarm bell, 4–3; audio, 4–2; loud alarm, 4–3
null-modem cable, 2–11
obtain video, 3–16
Orbiter dome, 5–5
output: connection, 5–8
panel connectors table, 2–3
part number: hardware kit, contents, 2–2;
software kit, contents, 2–2
password: Administrator account, 3–4;
at logon, 3–3, 3–10; LocalView, 2–9
PC, in the field, 2–11
Pelco P/D PTZ driver/dome, 5–5
PING, 2–16, 3–6
power down, sequence, 2–5
power up, sequence, 2–5
protected sensor. See end-of-line sensor
PTZ: cabling table, 5–4; RS-232/485 converter, 5–4
RapidDome, 5–5
RAS server, 3–7
rear panel connectors, 2–2
record: audio, 4–3
recovery: power-down, 2–6
Refresh button, SNTP server, 3–13
report installation: content, 2–4; to whom, 2–4
return authorization, 2–16
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), 3
road map: adding hardware, 5–1;
all software, 3–1; field work, 2–1
rush-hour, noise from, 4–2
screwdriver, 5–8
security: TCP ports table, 3–9
sensor hardware table, 5–8
sensor, alarm. See input, sensor hardware
Sensormatic dome, 5–5
site: as unit, 3–5; new, naming, 3–5