Apple/Macintosh Environments
9-4 July 1998
• NIC Config—provides a configuration file with default NIC parameters.
To change network parameters listed in the file, copy the file, edit it,
then download it to the NIC using the Apple Printer Utility. Instructions
are included in the NIC Config file.
• Printer Config—can be used to update NIC parameters that may be
reported on a test print generated using the printer front panel. To
change network parameters listed in the file, copy the file, edit it, then
download it to the printer using the Apple Printer Utility. Instructions
are included in the NIC Config file.
• TeachText—for reading and editing user configuration files.
Note: Problems may occur if you try to use these utilities for Kodak
printers that are not listed in this guide. Make sure you have
Macintosh utilities intended for your specific NIC.
9.4 Configuring the NIC
9.4.1 Configuring the NIC in PostScript Printers
Utilities for Macintosh will work only for PostScript printers. Therefore,
your Kodak printer must be in PostScript mode when configuring the
printer's network interface.
9.4.2 Configuring the NIC in Raster Only Printers
Use any of the utilities below if you have a Kodak printer that is raster
ONLY and
- you require parameters other than the defaults or
- you need to verify existing NIC parameters
• Telnet from any platform that supports TCP/IP. If your environment has
only Macintosh workstations, it may be necessary to acquire a
Macintosh - TCP application on one Macintosh for configuring the NIC
by using Telnet
• Utilities for DOS/Windows platforms (recommended)
• Utilities for Unix platforms