Upgrading NIC Firmware and Resetting NIC to Factory Defaults
July 1998 C-3
C.2.4 Completing the Download
Flash memory holds two complete Þrmware images, so that you can try a
new image before implementing it. After download, the new image is
stored in the main bank and the old image is stored in the alternate bank.
Use the ßash command Restart in Other Bank to rerun the old version
for comparison.
Once you are satisÞed with the Þrmware update, copy it to the alternate
bank so that both banks contain the same image. If the new image does
not work, copy the alternate bank image into the main bank. Both banks
should be the same.
Finalize the download in this way for two reasons:
¥ Alternate update is automatically used if the main bank becomes
corrupt. This could cause confusion if it is a different version.
¥ Some parameter storage operations require both banks to be
identical. These operations may fail if the banks are not identical.
To update the alternate bank image, use the Copy This Image to Other
Bank command to update the alternate bank image.
To revert to the old version:
1. Return to the old version with the Restart in Other Bank command.
2. Use the Copy This Image to Other Bank command.
Note: The sequence number is assigned to the images that is listed when
using the DF console command or entering the ßash monitor. The
higher number indicates the more recent download.
C.2.5 Flash Download Commands
Access the ßash download command one of two ways:
¥ Connect to the serial port and run the serial monitor.
¥ For DOS machines, use the Telnet monitor.
The ßash download commands are:
¥ Disable Network DownloadÑUsed for security against unauthorized