Unix Environment
July 1998 10-1
10 Unix Environment
Refer to Kodak Printer/NIC Installation and ConÞguration Overview in
Chapter 1 for overall conÞguration process steps and details. This chapter
describes how to conÞgure the NIC and conÞgure a queue to submit Þles
to a Kodak printer in a Unix environment. Steps covered in this chapter
are highlighted in the list below.
Step 1: Assess your network/printing environment
Step 2: Gather the necessary components
Step 3: Install the NIC hardware
Step 4: ConÞgure the NIC
Step 5: ConÞgure the print servers
Step 6: ConÞgure the printer for use on workstations
Step 7: Printing
Note: Although Kodak does not develop printer drivers and export
modules for Unix platforms, we do assist third-party developers
who provide applications and drivers to support Kodak printers.
Refer to Appendix E, Technical Assistance, for information on
searching the Kodak Web site (www.kodak.com) for third-party
developer solutions.
10.1 ConÞguring the NIC from Unix (TCP/IP) Platforms
Devices on a TCP/IP network are identiÞed by an Ethernet and IP
address. You need to minimally establish an IP address on the NIC,
because the factory default IP address is Ò0.0.0.0Ó. The NIC Ethernet
address is on the NIC faceplate; the IP address is assigned by your
system administrator.
When the IP address in NVRAM is, the device uses RARP,
BOOTP and DHCP to acquire a valid address from a RARP, BOOTP or
DHCP server.
Use any of the following methods to assign the IP address: