Upgrading NIC Firmware and Resetting NIC to Factory Defaults
July 1998 C-1
Appendix C Upgrading NIC Firmware and Resetting NIC to
Factory Defaults
C.1 Upgrading the Flash EPROMs
The Flash EPROM memory feature allows you to upgrade future Þrmware
releases without opening the unit and replacing the EPROM chip.
If the download is successful, the unit will reset itself and run the new
Þrmware. If the download fails, the ßash job will print; one of the Þrmware
banks will become corrupt, the NIC may become inoperable, or the ßash
job will be rejected when the checksum is determined invalid.
Resetting the NIC terminates any print jobs in progress.
Repeat the download of the Þle if the download fails printing to the printer,
although failure usually means that the Þle is incorrect.
C.2 Using the Network Download Procedure
ConÞrm that you have the latest Þrmware version using a Telnet session
or the Kodak NIC Manager. Check the Kodak Web site (www.kodak.com)
to Þnd out if the Þrmware has been upgraded. To upgrade your system,
complete the steps in section C.2.1.
C.2.1 Downloading the Flash Image
To perform a network-based upgrade of the Flash EPROMs
Þrmware =>4.8:
1. Verify that the network download option is enabled.
2. Download the Þle to the printer, without sending the print job through
the printer driver.
Note: Downloading Þrmware may take up to 10 minutes. A useful tool for
downloading and monitoring progress is the Windows FastManage
Discovery tool. Use Discovery > Action > TFTP. A NIC telnet
session will also provide an indication that the NIC is accepting the