July 1998 12-5
12.1 Verifying Standalone Printer Functions
If you are having trouble printing, Þrst verify that the standalone printer with
no network interface connection operates correctly. Secondly, verify that the
printer is conÞgured correctly when connected to your network. If necessary,
go to the sections that pertain to the speciÞc platform and protocol used.
1. Is the printer plugged in, turned on, and displaying the ÒREADYÓ
2. Is there an error message displayed on the printer?
Refer to the user's guide for the printer for information about error
messages that appear on the front control/display panel. Error code
numbers typically indicate that the printer hardware requires service.
3. Does the paper size displayed on the front control/display panel
match what is actually in the tray?
If not, the paper tray may be an adjustable tray that has not been
properly set up. Check and/or adjust the paper size selection switch
on the side of the tray for the proper paper size setting.
4. Is the printer in the appropriate mode (PostScript or Raster)?
PostScript mode is necessary for PostScript Þle printing. The printer
should only be in Raster mode when using the export module in
conjunction with Adobe Photoshop or when using another vendorÕs
application that speciÞcally states support for Kodak printers in
Raster mode.
If necessary, select the proper mode from the printerÕs front control/
display panel. Refer to ÒChanging the Printing ModeÓ in the ÒPrintingÓ
5. Make a test print by pressing ÒPrintÓ on the printer front control panel
to determine if the printer is functioning in PostScript and/or Raster
modes. Do not be alarmed if your particular printer does not support
both modes of operation. Make sure that paper and ribbon are
loaded. To make a test print, press the print button on the printer
when Ò:READYÓ appears in the display panel.