1-4 Part No. 6B4389 June 1999
Step 1: Assess your network and printing environments.
Consult with your system/network administrator regarding:
—Determine the servers or queues to spool and manage jobs
sent to the printer.
Printing Platforms
—Determine the workstation platforms that will be
used for creating and sending jobs to the printer.
—Determine the network protocols for TCP/IP, Novell IPX,
AppleTalk, or NetBEUI that will be used for communicating to the
printer. All protocols are enabled by default.
Step 2: Gather the necessary components.
— printer, NIC, and network cabling certified for 10 or 100
MB operation depending upon the speed of your network.
Networking components
—cables, converters, hubs, and switches
are not included with the NIC. You must purchase interconnecting
networking components to support a specific environment separately.
NIC Configuration software
— XAdmin software is provided for
configuring the NIC from Windows workstations. Web based
configuration and Telnet do not require additional software installation.
NOTE: Make sure that the printing software is installed on the
workstations that will be sending jobs to the printer. If the
CD included with the printer does not include the
appropriate printing software for your workstation’s
operating system, it may be available through alternate
vendors who support the 8660 and 8670 PS thermal
printers. You can use a generic PostScript or LaserWriter
driver. However, they may not support all of the printer’s
Step 3: Install the NIC.
• Install the NIC in the printer if it was not preinstalled. Refer to
“Installing the Network Interface Card” for instructions.