Using Configuration Utilities
3-2 Part No. 6B4389 June 1999
NOTE: The Web browser and Telnet tools provide capability for
configuring all protocols. Other utilities such as XAdmin
and XConfig limit configuration capabilities for Windows
Kodak support is limited to networked printers using the NIC in
NetBIOS/NetBeui, NetWare (IPX/SPX), TCP/IP and AppleTalk
environments. However, the various print server utilities provided
are generic and reference additional protocols and services such
as Banyan, DEC LAT, DLC/LCC and POP3/SMTP. These
additional environments have not been tested and are not
supported by Kodak for use with the NIC.
Using a Web Browser to Configure the NIC
To configure the NIC from your Web browser:
1. From any internet browser on any platform, enter the NIC’s IP
address as the internet location.
NOTE: It may be necessary to disable proxies for your Web
browser to access the NIC.
The Network Configuration window appears.