Using Configuration Utilities
3-16 Part No. 6B4389 June 1999
Connecting the NIC Serial Configuration Port to a
Console Terminal
The console facility is used for diagnosing and configuring the
NIC. It can also be used for downloading new firmware to the
NIC. The console is accessed from the NIC’s serial port which
has a PC-compatible 9-pin male D-connector.
The following table lists the function of each of the pins in the D-
The standard 9-pin female to 25-pin male PC cables require a
null modem to connect to most printers or terminals. The cable
must connect input signals such as receive data on the NIC to the
equivalent output signals such as transmit data on the device and
Pin Signal Signal Pin Pin
1 Not Used Not Used - -
2 Recve Data Trnsmt
3 Trnsmt
Recve Data 3 2
4 DTR Out DSR In 6 20
5 Signal Grnd Signal Grnd 7 7
6 DSR In DTR Out 20 6
7 RTS Out CTS In 5 4
8 CTS In RTS Out 4 5
9 Not Used Not Used - -
Settings: 9600 bps No Parity XOn/XOff 8 bit