
Using Configuration Utilities
3-8 Part No. 6B4389 June 1999
Using the XAdmin Utility
The XAdmin utility is provided with the NIC for use with Windows
operating systems. A setup utility must be executed to install
XAdmin. XAdmin can be used as an alternative to JetAdmin
NetWare if you are using Netware.
Most parameters for NetBEUI, NetWare, and TCP/IP can be
modified with XAdmin. For configuration of additional parameters,
use a Web browser, XConfig, or Telnet utilities.
1. To start XAdmin, either use the Win 95/NT Start > Programs
> XAdmin > XAdmin mechanism or click on the XAdmin
executable installed in the XAdmin folder.
2. Double-click on the appropriate NIC represented as
KOD_xxxxxx_P1 in the list.
3. Enter
as the password.
NOTE: Your password will not appear as it does in the illustration.