Novell NetWare
6-2 Part No. 6B4389 June 1999
NIC Operating Modes with Novell NetWare
To service NetWare print queues, the NIC operates in the
following two modes:
Remote printer mode or NPRINTER mode on NetWare 4.xx or
RPRINTER mode on NetWare 2.xx or 3.xx networks.
In remote printer mode, the user sends the print job to the file
server which then spools it to a print server and sends it to the
printer. Remote printer mode does not use a user license on the
file server. If you have NetWare 4.xx and need to take advantage
of NetWare Directory Services, you must use remote printer
Queue server mode also called printer server or PSERVER
In queue server or print server mode, the NIC functions as a
NetWare print server eliminating the need for a dedicated print
server. Jobs from the a PC are spooled to the file server which in
turn spools the job directly to the NIC. Queue server and print
server mode, however, require a user slot on the file server.
NOTE: We recommend that you use queue server mode if you
have NetWare2.xx or 3.xx unless you have a limited
number of available user slots.
Configuring for a Novell NetWare Network
To use the NIC on a Novell network, one or more file servers must
be configured with a print queue that the NIC can service. Users
send their print requests to the file server’s print queue, and the
jobs are then spooled to the NIC directly or through an
intermediate print server in remote printer mode.