Chapter 6: Settings
COM Port Manager
126 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
6.16 COM Port Manager
The COM Port Manager dialog box lists the device names and COM port mappings
stored in the registry for the currently active and for dynamic devices like port
replicators, USB serial dongles and virtual ports.
The COM Port Manager allows you to edit the COM port mappings and add new
ports for Bluetooth external connections.
Note: A grey box to the left of a Device name indicates that this is a fixed port;
the COM Port assignment cannot be changed.
For those ports that can be changed, each COM Port has a dropdown menu.
• Tap on COM# in the Ports column to display a menu from which you can
choose the COM Port you want to assign.
If you assign a conflicting port, an asterisk * is displayed to the left of device name
indicating that this port has already been assigned.
A double-dash “---” in the Port column indicates that a COM port has not been
assigned. Tapping on the dropdown menu allows you to assign a port.