
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual 153
Chapter 6: Settings
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Security Level
This parameter controls the tolerance for decoding edge-to-edge UPC/EAN bar
codes. Double-tapping on this parameter displays a dialog box in which you can
choose a level from 0 to 3. Lower values have a lower tolerance for misreads, but
they also increase the time it takes to decode the bar code.
Linear Decode
“Linear Decode” applies to code types containing two adjacent blocks (e.g., UPC-
A, EAN-8, EAN-13). When enabled (set to on), a bar code is transmitted only when
both the left and right blocks are successfully decoded within one laser scan. This
option should be enabled when bar codes are in proximity to each other.
2D UPC Half Block Stitching
Setting this parameter to on enables “UPC Half Block Stitching” for the SE 3223
omnidirectional engine only. Code 93
Set this parameter to on to enable “Code 93” or off to disable it.
Set Length L1 And Set Length L2
Lengths for “Code 93” can be set for Any length, Length within a range, One
discrete length or Two discrete lengths. The length of a code refers to the number of
characters (i.e., human readable characters), including check digit(s).
Double-tapping on this parameter displays a dialog box labelled Set Code Lengths
where you can define the code length that will be recognized by your scanner.
Choosing One discrete length allows you to decode only those codes containing a
selected length. Choosing Two discrete lengths allows you to decode only those
codes containing two selected lengths. Length within a range allows you to decode
a code type within a specified range from 4 to 55.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 148 for details.