
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual 157
Chapter 6: Settings
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Choosing One discrete length allows you to decode only those codes containing a
selected length. Choosing Two discrete lengths allows you to decode only those
codes containing two selected lengths. Length within a range allows you to decode
a code type within a specified range from 1 to 12.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 148 for details. RSS Code
Setting this parameter to on enables “2D RSS Code” scanning capability.
Enable RSS-14 (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS-14 code can be either purely linear or split in half with one half stacked on top
of the other half. Stacking the code reduces the bar code length, and providing the
nominal height of the code is maintained, it can be omni-directionally scanned.
Enable RSS Limited
“RSS-Limited” is restricted, in that it can only encode 14 digit GTINs (global trade
item number) that begin with either a 0 or a 1. It is not stackable and is not designed
to be read omni-directionally.
Enable RSS Expanded
“RSS Expanded” uses the same application identifiers as UCC/EAN-128 codes but
it can be split into sections and stacked several rows high, reducing the length of the
symbol, while increasing the capacity of data that can be stored. “RSS Expanded”
code can be omni-directionally scanned
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 148 for details. Composite
Important: To successfully read this type of bar code, the two types of
symbologies included in a composite bar code must be enabled.
In addition, “Center Bar Code Only” must be disabled.