
WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual 295
Chapter 8: Expansion Modules
Expansion Modules
8.1 Expansion Modules
Easily installed expansion modules such as 802.11 radios, internal scanners and
imagers available for the WORKABOUT PRO allow you to customise this hand-
held to meet your specific mobile computing requirements.
Each expansion module is shipped with a detailed instruction sheet that steps you
through the installation process. For imagers and scanners, these instruction sheets
also describe the steps you’ll need to take to enable the device.
The following expansion modules are available for your unit:
8.1.1 Imager And Laser Scanner Expansion Modules
SX5393 imager expansion module – Model No. WA9010
EV15 imager expansion module – Model No. WA9003-G1
SE 1223HP laser scanner expansion module –Model No. WA9000-G1
SE 1223LR laser scanner expansion module – Model No. WA9005-G1
SE 1223ALR laser scanner expansion module – Model No. WA9006
SE 955 laser scanner expansion module – Model No. WA9002-G1
HHP5180 imager expansion module – Model No. WA9012-G1
8.1.2 Compact Flash Radios & Kits
802.11g Compact Flash radio card – Model No. RA2040
802.11g Compact Flash radio card – Model No. RA2041
PC Card Expansion Module kit – Model No. WA9001-G1
8.1.3 Wide Area Network Radio
EDGE GSM radio – Model No. RA3025-G1