
Chapter 6: Settings
Active Connections List
222 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 5.0 User Manual
Manager” on page 126), a message appears indicating that the COM
port you’ve chosen cannot be created. Choose another COM number.
Outgoing Port
When you connect the WORKABOUT PRO to another device, New Outgoing Port
is listed in this dialog box. Tapping on this option allows you to assign an outgoing
COM port number. Follow the directions described in “Incoming Port” on page 221
to choose a COM port.
6.29.4 Active Connections List
This tab displays the currently active Bluetooth connections, listing the device
name(s). The type of link is also included with the device name(s). Keep in mind
that the information listed in this tab is ‘view only’; it cannot be edited.