Memory Card Function
Expand Memory Area
Command Structure <ESC>EXa
a = Memory Designation
0 Use Printer Memory
1 Use Memory Card Slot 1
2 Use Memory Card Slot 2
Example: <ESC>EX1
Placement: In its own data stream imediately after powering on.
Default: None
Command Function This command expands the memory available to image labels by
using the Memory Card.
Input to Printer
Printer Output There is no printer output as a result of this command.
Special Notes 1. You must have the optional Memory Card to use this command.
Call your local SATO representative for details.
2. When the printer is turned off, the the Memory Card is reset to
normal operation.
3. If the Memory Card specified already contains data, it cannot be
used for memory expansion.
4. The printer will reserve the specified Memory Card for expanded
memory until it is turned off or receives another <ESC>EX
Expand Memory Area command.
5. Use care with Line and Box commands as excessively long lines
can damage the print head.
6. The maximum vertical position that can be specified by the
<ESC>V vertical position command is shown in the table below:
Section 4. Programming Reference
SATOM-8400RV9001041 Rev. DPage 4-83