BWaabbb Bar Codes. Expansion. Works together with the BT command to
specify an expansion factor and the bar code height for the particular
symbol being printed.
aa = Expansion factor by which the width of all bars and spaces
is increased (01-12)
bbb = Bar height by dot (004-600 dots)
Page 4-16
Data Matrix. Data Format. Specifies the format of the Data Matrix 2-D
aa = Format ID (01-16, The values 07 and 17 will not be accepted)
bb = Error correction level (00, 01, or 04-14, the values 02, 03 or ≥ 15
will not be accepted).
cc = Horizontal cell size (03-12 dots/cell)
dd = Vertical cell size (03-12 dots per cell)
eee = Cells per line. Must use 000 for optimized symbol.
fff = Cell lines. Must use 000 to optimize.
g = Mirror image
0 Normal Print
1 Reverse Print
hh = Guide cell thickness (01-15) 01 indicates normal type.
Page 4-100
C Repeat Label. Prints a duplicate of the last label printed. Page 4-63
CSa Print Speed Selection. Specifies a unique print speed in in./sec.
through software for a particular label.
Page 4-62
DSW2-8 Off DSW2-8 On
a = Speed Setting 1 = 2 ips
2= 4 ips
3 = 6ips
4= 8 ips
Dabbcccd Bar Codes. Prints 1:2 ratio bar code. For UPC and EAN bar codes,
this will add descender bars. For values a, bb, ccc and d see
instructions for Babbcccd.
Page 4-11
DCxx...x Data Matrix. Print Data. Prints data using Data Matrix format specified
in BX Data Format command.
xx...x = Data to be printed. Cannot exceed 500 characters.
Page 4-102
Eaaa Line Feed. Provides the ability to print multiple lines of the same
character size without specifying a new print position for each line.
aaa = Number of dots (1-999) between the bottom of the
characters on one line to the top of the characters on the
next line.
Page 4-50
Appendix A: Command Quick Reference