Bar Codes, Expansion
Command Structure <ESC>BWaabbb
aa = Expansion factor by which the width of all bars and spaces
will be increased (01-12)
bbb = Bar height by dot (004-600 dots)
Example: <ESC>BW02100
Placement: Immediately follows the <ESC>BT command and
precedes data to be encoded.
Default: None
Command Function This command works together with the <ESC>BT command to
specify an expansion factor and the bar code height for the particular
symbol being printed.
Input to Printer:
Printer Output:
Special Notes 1. This command must be preceded by the Variable Ratio Bar Codes
<ESC>BT command (see Page 4-17).
2. The following bar codes will be affected by the Character Pitch
command: Codabar, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Matrix 2 of 5.
Section 4. Programming Reference
Page 4-169001041 Rev. DSATOM-8400RV