Two-Dimensional Bar Codes
Data Matrix, Sequential Numbering
Command Structure <ESC>FXaaabcccdddeee
aaa = Number of duplicate labels to be printed (001 -999)
b = Increment or Decrement
+ = Increment
- = Decrement
ccc = Increment/Decrement Steps (001 - 999)
ddd = Sequential numbering start position (001 - 999)
Referenced to left side.
eee = Incremented data length measured from start position
(001 - 999)
Placement: Immediately following the <ESC>BX Data Format
designation command and preceding the <ESC>DC
Print Data Command.
Default: None
Command Function To print sequential numbered Data Matrix symbols.
Printer Input
Printer Output Label Set #1
Section 4. Programming Reference
SATOM-8400RV9001041 Rev. DPage 4-103