To enable the Calendar feature (if installed) press the LINE key until the underline
cursor is beneath the YES. If the Calendar feature is to be disabled, press the LINE
key until the underline cursor is beneath the NO. When the desired setting is
selected, press the FEED key.
The format of the display is YY/MM/DD hh:mm (Year/Month/Day/hours:minutes).
The date format is fixed and cannot be changed.
1. Year - The first display shown will have the two digit year selection underlined. You
can scroll through the dates by pressing the LINE key. The year number will
increase by one each time the LINE key is pressed until it reaches its maximum
legal value (i.e., “99” for the year digits) at which point it will wrap around to the
“00” setting.
2. Month - After you have set the correct year, pressing the FEED key will advance
the underline cursor to the two digit Month position. You can scroll through the
numbers corresponding to the month by pressing the LINE key. The month
number will increase by one each time the LINE key is pressed until it reaches a
value of “12” at which point it will wrap around to the “01” setting.
3. Day - After you have set the correct month, pressing the FEED key will advance the
underline cursor to the two digit Day position. You can scroll through the
numbers corresponding to the month date by pressing the LINE key. The date
number will increase by one each time the LINE key is pressed until it reaches a
value of “31” at which point it will wrap around to the “01” setting.
4. Hour - After you have set the correct date, pressing the FEED key will advance the
underline cursor to the two digit Hour position. You can scroll through the
numbers corresponding to the hour (using a 24 hour clock) by pressing the LINE
key. The hour number will increase by one each time the LINE key is pressed
until it reaches a value of “24” at which point it will wrap around to the “01”
5. Minute- After you have set the correct hour, pressing the FEED key will advance
the underline cursor to the two digit Minute position. You can scroll through the
numbers corresponding to the hour by pressing the LINE key. The minute
number will increase by one each time the line key is pressed until it reaches a
value of “60” at which point it will wrap around to the “01” setting.
6. After you have set the calendar, pressing the FEED key will accept the setting and
advance to the CR/LF display.
Ignore CR/LF
This selection tells the printer to strip out all carriage return/line feed pairs (CRLF )
from the data stream, including graphics and 2D bar codes. It is used primrily to
maintain compatibility with earlier models of SATO printers.
1. Use the LINE key to step the underline cusor to either the YES or NO selection.
00/00/00 00:00
Section 2. Installation and Configuration
SATOM-8400RV9001041 Rev. DPage 2-29