
Enforced Client Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware 4.5 Product Guide Glossary
email security service A web-based service that safeguards small business computers by automatically routing
email messages through SonicWALL’s servers and scanning for dangerous and
inappropriate content before delivering the messages to the local network.
Compare to browser protection service, firewall protection service, and virus and spyware
protection service.
event See inbound event.
firewall protection service A web-based service that safeguards small business computers by automatically monitoring
communications from other computers and Internet applications to check for suspicious
activity, then generating reports.
Compare to browser protection service, email security service, and virus and spyware
protection service.
group One or more client computers defined by a system administrator for managing security
settings and analyzing report data. Groups can be determined by geographic location,
department, computer type, or anything meaningful to your organization.
group administrator A user account with permissions to monitor one or more assigned groups of computers. The
account administrator sets up a group administrator account, assigns a password for
accessing the SecurityCenter website, and specifies an access level that determines which
tasks the group administrator is authorized to perform. Access levels are Read Only and
Read & Modify Reports.
Compare to administrator and user.
inbound event An attempt by another computer to send data to a client computer. The firewall protection
service running on the client computer intercepts this attempt and responds according to
policy settings.
installation Installing the Enforced Client client software on computers.
See also push installation, silent installation, and URL installation.
installation URL A company-specific URL for installing Enforced Client software on client computers.
See also URL installation.
Internet application An application that communicates with both the Internet and a client computer.
Internet Independent
Updating (IIU)
A method that allows computers not connected to the Internet to use Enforced Client. At
least one computer on the subnet needs to have an Internet connection to be able to
communicate with the SonicWALL update site. This computer is configured as a relay
server, and other computers communicate with the update site through it.
See also relay server, rumor technology, and update site.
license An agreement to install SonicWALL software on a single client computer. When you
purchase a subscription for SonicWALL protection services, you designate a specific
number of licenses for the computers where the software using those services will be
installed. You can also add and renew licenses for your subscription.
Compare to subscription.
mail exchange record MX record; a software entry in your email domain name database that controls where email
is routed.
MX record See mail exchange record.
notification preferences Information designating which automatically generated account emails, such as status
emails and notices of account expiration, should be sent by the service provider.
Administrators can configure notification preferences on the My Account page of the
SecurityCenter website.