Enforced Client Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware 4.5 Product Guide Glossary
reports Data uploaded by client computers to the SecurityCenter and formatted for the
administrator; information on the account’s security status for the administrator.
response How SonicWALL protection services handle or take action on detections; for example,
Cleaned indicates that the detected threat was successfully removed from the item where it
was found.
rumor technology A method that allows all computers on a subnet to share downloaded files, saving each
computer from having to download from the update site on the Internet every time it needs
an updated file.
See also Internet Independent Updating (IIU), relay server, and update site.
scan An examination of files to determine if a threat is present.
See on-access scanning and on-demand scanning.
scanning engine The mechanism that drives the scanning process.
script scanning A protection method that detects harmful scripts contained in files, emails, and web pages.
Scripts are programs or sequences of instructions that are run by other programs instead of
by a computer’s processor.
SecurityCenter website A website containing the administrative features of Enforced Client, where administrators
can centrally manage protection services on client computers. Formerly known as the
Customer Home site.
Compare to client software.
silent installation Remotely deploying Enforced Client software onto a client computer, eliminating the need
for any user interaction.
Compare to push installation and URL installation.
spooling Storing data at an alternate location so that it can be processed later. When your local email
server is not accepting email, the email security service spools your organization’s email to
SonicWALL’s server, then delivers the email when your local email server is functioning
properly again. SPOOL stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On Line.
subscription An agreement to receive access to electronic protection services for a specified period of
time. While your subscription is active, you receive regular updates
Compare to license.
system services Functionality provided by software running on the network that performs essential tasks,
such as transmitting or converting data in a network, delivering and receiving email, or
interacting with applications on the Internet.
task An activity (both one-time such as on-demand scanning, and routine such as updating) that
is scheduled to occur at a specific time, or at specified intervals.
Compare to policy.
Enforced Client icon The icon that appears in the system tray of client computers running the Enforced Client
software. Click the icon to display a menu of commands, or double-click the icon to
manually update the computer.
trusted connection A connection to a home or office network that is protected from the Internet by hardware
such as a router or firewall. The firewall protection service allows communications from
other devices on a trusted network (it considers them to be safe).
Compare to untrusted connection.