Enforced Client Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware 4.5 Product Guide Glossary
untrusted connection A direct connection to the Internet, such as a wireless network in a public airport or hotel.
The firewall protection service blocks communications from other devices on an untrusted
network (it considers them to be unsafe).
Compare to trusted connection.
update site A repository on the Internet from which a client computer retrieves updates.
updates Files from SonicWALL that provide more current information to a product. Updates can
include upgraded software components and definition detection (
DAT) files containing
revised information about existing threats and new information about recently identified
See detection definition files.
updates Files from SonicWALL that provide more current information to a product. Updates can
include upgraded software components and DAT files containing revised information about
existing threats and new information about recently identified threats.
See also detection definition files.
updating The process of installing updates to existing products or upgrading to new versions of
URL installation Installing the Enforced Client client software locally on a client computer by clicking a link
to a unique website, sent via email from an administrator. The URL determines the
protection services installed, the language for Enforced Client services, and the group
where the computer is placed.
Compare to push installation and silent installation.
user The person who uses the Enforced Client software on a client computer.
Compare to administrator and group administrator.
utilization The way in which your licenses for SonicWALL protection services are being used.
Enforced Client issues utilization action items and notifications when you attempt to install
client software on more computers than you have purchased licenses for, or when the
number of computers you have installed client software on approaches the number of
licenses you have purchased.
virus and spyware
protection service
A web-based service that safeguards small business computers by automatically checking
files and email messages for viruses and spyware, then generating reports.
Compare to browser protection service, email security service and firewall protection