Enforced Client Product Guide Using Enforced Client
Viewing your security services at-a-glance
From the SecurityCenter page, you can:
Install protection services
View and resolve action items
View security coverage for your account
Purchase, add, and renew services
Request a trial subscription
Install protection services
From the SecurityCenter, you can begin the installation process in two ways:
On the SecurityCenter page, click Install Protection.
On the Computers page, click Add Computer.
See Chapter 2, Installing Enforced Client for more information.
View and resolve action items
Action items are security issues that need your immediate attention and are listed in red on the
SecurityCenter page or Computer Details page. Whenever you see information highlighted in red,
check for a corresponding action item on one of those pages. Possible action items are:
Computers are not protected
against the latest threat.
One or more computers are not updated with the latest detection
definition (
DAT) files or software components.
You have no virus and
spyware protection installed.
Click here to install
Either you have not installed the virus and spyware protection
service on client computers or the installation failed. Click the
action item to begin installation.
You have no desktop firewall
protection installed. Click
here to install protection.
Either you have not installed the firewall protection service on
client computers or the installation failed. Click the action item to
begin installation.
Too many subscriptions in
You have installed Enforced Client on more computers than you
are licensed for. You need to uninstall from some computers or
purchase additional licenses.
Your subscription is about to
Your subscription to one or more protection services will expire
soon and needs to be renewed.
Your subscription has
Your subscription to one or more protection services is no longer
valid and needs to be renewed.
Your email is being spooled.
Please check your email
Your organization’s email is being stored temporarily on your
service provider’s server because your email server is not
accepting email.
Your email security service
needs to be activated.
Your subscription to the email security service has not been
activated; you need to proceed with the activation process.