Enforced Client Product Guide User Interface Definitions
Subscription History
Use this page to view all your existing and previous licenses for SonicWALL protection
Your service provider determines what type of information appears on this page, so you might
not see some of the columns described below.
Managing your subscriptions
Advanced Spyware Protection
Select potentially unwanted program threats to detect. If no threats
are selected, the virus and spyware protection service does not detect
any potentially unwanted programs.
Jokes: Programs designed to be mistaken for a virus. They may
alarm or annoy users but do not harm files or data. They are
intended to waste time and resources.
Remote admin tools: Programs that can be used from a remote
location to access a computer. Some remote administration tools
serve useful purposes, such as allowing users to access their files
from home, but others can be used by unauthorized persons to
monitor user activities and take control of a computer.
Spyware: Programs that covertly gather user information
through the user’s Internet connection without the user’s
knowledge. Once installed, spyware monitors user activity on the
Internet and transmits that information in the background to
someone else. Spyware can gather information such as email
addresses, websites visited, passwords, and credit card numbers.
Dialers: Programs that hijack a user’s modem and dial
premium-rate phone numbers, such as those required to access
pornographic websites.
Password crackers: Programs that find passwords or encryption
keys by trying every possible combination of characters until the
code is broken.
Adware: Programs that display unsolicited advertisements.
Adware often includes code that tracks a user's personal
information and transmits it to someone else, without the user's
Potentially unwanted applications: Programs that perform
some unauthorized (and often harmful or undesirable) act such as
viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
Key loggers: Programs that record every keystroke a user
makes. They can be used to steal passwords and other
confidential information.
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Cancel Click to return to the Groups + Policies page without changing the
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Note: This resets all settings on all tabs. Settings will not take effect
until you click
If you are viewing this page after selecting View Cancelled Subscriptions, only the
subscriptions that have been cancelled appear.
Item Description