432 Index
protecting information on 328–333
resetting 349–351
setting up service for 33
storing 25
transferring media files to 227
troubleshooting 348
turning off and on 34
unlocking 330, 331
troubleshooting 348
Turn on Bluetooth check box 197, 312
turning off screen 34, 339
turning off system sounds 319
Typing mode 256
unauthorized users 39, 330, 335
unavailable time slots 247
Unfreeze Panes command 276
spreadsheet elements 276
Treo 330, 331
unread messages 161
untimed events 244
Update Library command 231
information 41, 307
media files 231
operating system 348
uppercase letters 64, 328
URLs 144, 230, 270
See also Web links
USB connections 50
USB connector 26
USB hubs 51, 362
USB ports 51, 362
USB sync cable 51, 344
Use slide timings… option 272
user discussion groups 15
usernames 115, 134, 379
vCal attachments 370
vCard attachments 370
vehicle power adapter 344
Vibrate when… check boxes 100, 321
vibrating alarm 320, 321
Video command 215
video files 206, 216, 226, 227
See also media files
video formats 214
video resolution 214, 215
video settings 233
Video tab 223, 233
adding sounds to 223
adjusting volume for 100
eting 221
ting 221
limiting length of 223
organizing 218
previewing 215
recording 214–215
renaming 221
replaying 229
saving 223
selecting 230