
122 DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OTD10013 Return code ‘xx’ received during execution of TCBTOKEN |
LOCASCB | ENQ macro.
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro
identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the
macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If
no obvious cause for the error can be determined, contact your local
STK support representative.
OTD10014 Error X'xxxx’ Info X'yyyy’ dynamically allocating DDname OTDBS100
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to dynamically allocate
temporary file OTDBS100. ‘xxxx’ and ‘yyyy’ give the hexadecimal
error and information codes returned from the dynamic allocation
request. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on dynamic allocation (SVC99)
processing for a description of the error and information codes
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action and
re-submit the job. If no obvious cause for the error can be
determined, contact your local STK support representative.
OTD10015 The control region is not active
Explanation: An attempt has been made to run the row migration utility while the
DB2 Manager is not started. Execution of the utility cannot continue.
Action: Ensure that the DB2 Manager control region is started before
attempting to run the utility.
OTD10016 Normal run requested but restart run required
Explanation: RESTART=NO has been specified or defaulted in the SYSIN
execution parameters specified for the jobstep, but the previous
attempt to migrate rows to the Archive Manager database specified in
the LCDDBID execution parameter failed. Execution of the utility is
terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the LCDDBID execution parameter has been specified
correctly. If it has, RESTART=YES must be specified in the SYSIN
parameters. Correct the SYSIN parameters as required, and re-
submit the job.
OTD10017 Unable to obtain ODRE request element