
DB2 Manager User Guide 83
StorageTek Proprietary
to character position 71 of the record. Individual keyword parameters may not
be continued over more than one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
The following parameters may be specified:
LCDDBID = xxxx
This is a mandatory parameter and specifies the 4-character identifier of
the Archive Manager database to which rows are to be archived during
execution of the utility. This database must have been identified in the
JCL used to start the DB2 Manager control region (see “Control region
initialization” on page 44). This value is used to identify the Archive
Manager database in all DB2 Manager components.
The utility will verify that the Archive Manager database contains only
migrated rows from the DB2 table being processed in its current
execution. If this is not the case, an error report is produced and the
utility will terminate with condition code 12.
COMMIT = nnnnn
This is an optional parameter used to specify the frequency at which
Archive Manager and DB2 commit processing is to be performed by the
utility. ‘nnnn’ is a 1-5 digit numeric value in the range 1-65535,
specifying the number of rows to be processed between each commit
request. If this parameter is omitted, a default value of 1000 is used.
Once commit processing has been successfully completed, all rows
migrated since the last commit point (or since the beginning of the job, for
the first commit call) will have been successfully stored in the Archive
Manager database, and all subsequent access to those rows will be
performed by DB2 Manager.
The value specified (or defaulted) for the COMMIT parameter will also be
used in conjunction with the global OBJSIZE parameter (specified in the
ENVCNTL parameter library member) to determine the number of rows to
be stored per object in the Archive Manager database. The actual
number of rows per objects will be the lower of the two values (COMMIT
This is an optional parameter used to control restart processing. If the
previous execution of the utility terminated abnormally, the parameter
should be set to “YES”. If omitted, the default value of “NO” is used.
Failure to specify this parameter correctly may cause execution of the
utility to fail with an Archive Manager connect database return code of
‘15’, indicating that the utility is attempting normal connection to a
database which is in an “uncommitted” condition.