
60 DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
If the value of MAXTWTR is to be increased, DB2 Manager
will increase the number of initialized writer tasks, by
restarting terminated tasks, and/or adding new tasks.
If the value of MAXTWTR is to be decreased, DB2
Manager will terminate a number of existing writer tasks
equal to the decrease in the value of MAXTWTR. These
tasks will appear with the status TERM in any subsequent
status display, and will not be available for object recall
Note that processing of this command may take a little
time for significant changes in the value of MAXTWTR.
MAXSCHED - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXSCHED parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. The value ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric
value in the range 1-255.
If the value of MAXSCHED is to be increased, DB2
Manager will increase the number of initialized tape reader
tasks, by restarting terminated tasks, and/or adding new
If the value of MAXSCHED is to be decreased, DB2
Manager will terminate a number of existing tasks equal to
the decrease in the value of MAXSCHED. These tasks will
appear with the status TERM in any subsequent status
display, and will not be available for object recall
Note that processing of this command may take a little
time for significant changes in the value of MAXSCHED.
MAXQLEN - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXQLEN parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric value in the
range 1-256.
RETAINTAPE - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
RETAINTAPE parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in the
range 0-1440.This change will take immediate effect.
TAPEWAIT - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
TAPEWAIT parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in the
range 0-1440. This change will take immediate effect.
OBJSIZE - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the OBJSIZE
parameter to the value specified in the SET command.
‘nnnnn’ must be a 1-5 digit numeric value in the range 1-