
DB2 Manager User Guide 143
StorageTek Proprietary
If no other abnormal message is present, or the cause of the error is
not apparent from any displayed message, contact your DB2 Manager
product support representative.
OTD20012 Return code X'xx' retrieving | creating | deleting Name/Token pair
Explanation: An error has occurred retrieving, creating or deleting an OS/390
name/token pair. ‘xx’ gives the hexadecimal reason code received
from the retrieve request. Execution of the utility is terminated with
condition code 12.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the IEANTRT callable service (for
retrieval errors), the IEANTCR callable service (for creation errors) or
the IEANTDL callable service (for deletion errors) for a description of
the error code. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit
the job. If no obvious cause for the error can be identified, contact
your local STK support representative.
OTD20013 GETMAIN failure X'xx' allocating task tnnn
Explanation: A request for virtual storage in the private area of the control region
during sub-task creation has been denied by the operating system
with return code 'xx'. Initialization of the control region is aborted. ‘t’
identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’
– scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-
task number.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the GETMAIN macro for an
explanation of the return code. Take the appropriate corrective action
and restart the control region.
OTD20014 Error X'xx' received attaching task tnnn
Explanation: Hexadecimal error code 'xx' was received from the ATTACH macro
that was used to initiate a sub-task during DB2 Manager control
region initialization processing. The control region is terminated. ‘t’
identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’
– scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-
task number.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the ATTACH macro for a description
of the error code. Take the appropriate corrective action and restart
the control region.
If no apparent cause for the failure can be identified, contact your DB2
Manager product support representative.
OTD20015 nnn Scheduler | Tape reader | Disk reader | Tape writer |
Housekeeping tasks initialized successfully