40 DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
scheduler subtask introduces some processing overhead, so
care should be taken to avoid over-allocation of this setting.
This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET MAXSCHED’ operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXSCHED=4
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 4
Validation: nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 256
Use: The MAXQLEN parameter specifies the maximum number of
retrieval requests which may be simultaneously queued for
any single tape-reader subtask in the control region.
Notes: DB2 Manager will queue requests for retrieval from an Archive
Manager tape volume which is already being processed, on a
'first-in first-out' basis, up to the maximum level specified in
this parameter.
If TAPEWAIT=0 is specified, requests which cause this
maximum to be exceeded will receive a “resource busy”
condition from DB2 Manager - an SQL error code of –652 will
be returned to the calling application and field SQLERRD(6) in
the SQLCA will contain the hexadecimal value x’0A’.
Non-zero values of TAPEWAIT will cause requests which
encounter this condition to be held internally for processing
until a tape drive becomes available, or until the time limit
specified in the TAPEWAIT parameter is exceeded, at which
point a “resource busy” condition will be returned to the calling
application, as above.
This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET MAXQLEN' operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXQLEN=4
will be used.