User’s Manual
1. T3H Overview
(7) Data transmission module
The following types of data transmission modules are available.
Type Description Remarks
EN311 Ethernet 10BASE5 or 10BASE2, 10 Mbps,
computer link, T3H to T3H, and socket
Only for T3H
SN321 TOSLINE-S20 High-speed Co-axial T3/T3H
SN322 control data Optical common
SN323 link, 2 Mbps Co-axial/optical
SN325 TOSLINE-S20LP High-speed control data link, 2 Mbps,
4 k words scan memory, optical loop
Only for T3H
MS311 TOSLINE-F10 Field network, Master station T3/T3H
RS311 750 k bps Remote station common
(8) Module internal current consumption
The table below shows the internal 5 Vdc current consumption (max. value) of each
T3H module. Use this data to check the power capacity.
Type Internal 5 Vdc
Type Internal 5 Vdc
CPU PU325H 1.5 A AC output AC363 530 mA
PU326H 1.5 A AC364 800 mA
Expansion I/F IF321 40 mA Relay output RO364 170 mA
IF311 20 mA RO363S 100 mA
IF351 20 mA Analog input AD368 450 mA
IF312 800 mA Analog output DA364 180 mA
IF352 700 mA DA374 180 mA
IF353 700 mA Pulse input PI312 800 mA
DC input DI334 100 mA ASCII AS311 1.0 A
DI334H 100 mA Change detect CD332 300 mA
DI335 170 mA Ethernet EN311 700 mA
DI335H 170 mA TOSLINE-S20 SN321 800 mA
AC input IN354 120 mA SN322 800 mA
IN364 120 mA SN323 800 mA
DC output DO333 320 mA TOSLINE-S20LP SN325 800 mA
DO334 210 mA TOSLINE-F10 MS311 600 mA
DO335 400 mA RS311 600 mA
(1) Maximum number of modules available on one T3H is as follows.
Ethernet: 4
TOSLINE-S20 and S20LP total: 2
(2) Ethernet module and TOSLINE-S20LP are under development.