User’s Manual
2. Expanded Functions
CPU register ↔
↔ S20/S20LP scan memory
Source designation Transfer size Destination designation
RW000 H00 H01 RW002 00010 RW010 H01 H10
RW001 00000 RW011 00000
W0000 (CPU register) 10 words transfer Channel 1 S20/S20LP
scan memory address 00000
When R0000 is ON, 10 words data starting with W0000 is transferred to scan memory address
00000 and after of channel 1 S20/S20LP.
When writing data into S20/S20LP scan memory, confirm that the address range is S20/S20LP’s data
send block.
If S20/S20LP scan memory is accessed only by this XFER instruction, the network assignment, i.e.
“LINK” or “GLOBAL” setting, is not necessary.
When S20 is designated as source, the status flag (scan healthy map) for the read-out data is stored
in operand
and after. (Status flag is not created for S20LP)
For example, when 99 words data is read from S20 with using RW030 as transfer size designation,
RW031 to RW037 (7 words) are used to store the scan healthy map.
RW030 99
F C 8 4 0
RW031 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
RW032 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 29 18 17
RW036 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81
RW037 99 98 97
0 is stored in the excess bits
Transfer size (99 words)
Status flag
(scan healthy map)
1: Scan normal
0: Not normal