1. T3H Overview
Instruction execution speed (continued)
Name Symbol Execution
time (
Name Symbol Execution
time (
59 Table Exclusive OR TEOR 23.31 83 m bit file n bit rotate TRTL (Word)
+0.72n left 16.21
60 Table Not exclusive TENR 23.31 +0.46n
OR +0.72n +0.45m
64 Bit test TEST 3.76 (Bit)
65 Double-word bit test DTST 4.68 23.15
66 Bit file bit test TTST 8.98 +0.12n
68 1 bit shift right SHR1 4.12 +0.06m
69 1 bit shift left SHL1 4.68 84 1 bit rotate right with RRC1 4.69
70 n bit shift right SHR 4.77 carry
+0.27n 85 1 bit rotate left with RLC1 4.15
71 n bit shift left SHL 5.33 carry
+0.27n 86 n bit rotate right with RRC 4.59
72 m bit file n bit shift TSHR (Word) carry +0.81n
right 14.59 87 n bit rotate left with RLC 5.44
-0.08n carry +0.72n
+0.45m 88 m bit file n bit rotate TRRC (Word)
(Bit) right with carry 16.24
21.3 +0.43n
-0.02n +0.45m
+0.06m (Bit)
73 m bit file n bit shift TSHL (Word) 25.49
left 14.96 +0.12n
-0.09n +0.05m
+0.45m 89 m bit file n bit rotate TRLC (Word)
(Bit) left with carry 16.21
21.44 +0.46n
-0.04n +0.45m
+0.06m (Bit)
74 Shift register SR 16.21 28.55
+0.11n +0.07n
75 Bi-directional shift DSR 16.42 +0.05m
register +0.14n 90 Multiplexer MPX 9.74
76 Device shift SFT 12.82 91 Demultiplexer DPX 8.86
78 1 bit rotate right RTR1 4.31 92 Table bit transfer TBM 12.44
79 1 bit rotate left RTL1 4.15 93 Bit table transfer BTM 11.54
80 n bit rotate right RTR 5.49 95 Bit file compare TCMP 18.03
+0.1n 96 Greater than > 3.76
81 n bit rotate left RTL 5.11 97 Greater than or >= 3.76
+0.1n equal
82 m bit file n bit rotate TRTR (Word) 98 Equal = 3.76
right 16.23 99 Not equal <> 3.76
+0.45n 100 Less than < 3.76
+0.45m 101 Less than or equal <= 3.76
(Bit) 102 Double-word greater D> 4.84
23.1 than
+0.12n 103 Double-word greater D>= 4.48
+0.06m than or equal